How do you trade on Bursa Malaysia? Simple! You need to have TWO accounts:
1) Open CDS account Central Depository System Account
2) Open Direct Trading Account or Nominees Account
2) Direct Trading/ Nominees Account is maintained by the stock broker. Where you need this account to trade shares.
Direct Trading Account
* Able to apply for IPO
* Your name shall be register in the Share Registrar
* Transfer of share to another direct trading is viable
* Annual Report, divided, etc will be mail directly to you
While Nominees account shall be the opposite of the mentioned Direct Trading Account:
* Unable to apply IPO
* Your name shall not be register in the Share Registrar (Stock Broking Company shall represent you on behalf)
* Transfer of share to another direct trading is not viable (If necessary you can have it transfer to a direct trading)
* Annual Report, divided, etc will not be mail directly to you
Since Direct Trading Account has all the advantage, why there is a Nominees Account? Simple! Nominees account has a lower brokerage fees as it act as an intermediate house to represent you.