Monday, January 05, 2015

Malaysia share market in 2014

Wow, it been so long since i touch on this Malaysia billionaire blog. Well, time really flies and we begin in the Year of 2015 (goat year).

Recab some of happening of Malaysia sharemarket in 2014:

  1. MAS share dropped tremendously where MH 17 was shot down and Mh 370 went missing till now.
  2. Ebola still continue and send some glove share market up and down - Supermax, Kossan, Topglove, etc. Supermax's direction - Datuk Seri Stanley Thai and his wife Datin Seri Cheryl Tan were charged by the Securities Commission with insider trading.
  3. World Oil prices went down to USD 57 per barrel which sent Malaysia's Oil & Gas (O&G) counter drop like mad. - Perisai, Petgas, Petronas, Skpetro, etc
  4. Westport shares sore to RM 3.5 where IPO price was just RM 2.5. Sell too early.

What's install for 2015? Still start research soon...